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Destination Areas 2.0 Projects

Destination Areas 2.0 Projects

Designed to deploy the expertise and assets that have been cultivated within the university to address compelling problems of global importance.

Phase II Projects

Phase I Projects

  • Ecological and Biocultural Restoration: Leighton Reid, Plant and Environmental Sciences
  • Human-Systems Integration in Healthcare: Sarah Parker, Health Systems and Implementation Science
  • Learning Landscape Laboratory: Jenn Engelke, Landscape Architecture
  • Materials in Medicine: Michael Schulz, Chemistry and John Matson, Chemistry
  • Rural Environments: Julia Gohlke, Environmental Health and Peter Vikesland, Civil and Environmental Engineering
  • Virginia Tech Public Interest Technology Collaborative: Shalini Misra, Urban Affairs and Planning
  • Whole Health Research at Virginia Tech: Tina Savla, Human Development and Family Science